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Better weed spraying tips

One way to increase the effectiveness of your herbicide weed killer is to add a wetting agent to your spray.

Searles Spredmax Spreader Wetting Agent

A non-ionic wetter for use with pesticide, fungicide & herbicide sprays in the home garden. Better spraying results. Directions Of Use. Videos. Product Label & SDS.

Searles Bindii & Clover for Lawns

Selective herbicide to treat bindii, clover and other weeds in lawns. Fast results. Directions Of Use. Videos. Product Label & SDS. Searles Bindii & Clover Killer is a very popular product suitable for controlling 2 very common weed problems in lawns.

Why did that weed come back up in my lawn?

Many gardeners wonder this question after spraying a selective herbicide, seeing it wither and die, and a month or two later spy it sprouting again. It is not the original plant you sprayed, but its offspring. Selective herbicides.

Searles Ultraweed Turf Weeder

Ultraweed® is a concentrated herbicide blend of 2 powerful and effective herbicides. Ultraweed® controls the weeds - the Bromoxynil acts quickly, and the MCPA provides residual control.

Control Sowthistle - Treatment

Alternating the use of selective herbicides, along with a spreading or wetting agent (Searles Spredmax) will help to control outbreaks and enable herbicides to stick to the leaves, but Sowthistle has the ability to build a resistance to the same herbicide being

Searles Buffalo Master Selective Weedkiller

Buffalo Master® is a concentrated herbicide blend of 2 powerful and effective herbicides. Buffalo Master® controls the weeds - the Bromoxynil acts quickly, and the MCPA provides residual control.

Searles Buffalo Master Selective Weedkiller Hose-on

Buffalo Master® is a concentrated herbicide blend of 2 powerful and effective herbicides. Buffalo Master® controls the weeds - the Bromoxynil acts quickly, and the MCPA provides residual control.

Control Groundsel - Treatment

Although some registered herbicides have proven to be successful, the best way of controlling this weed is from physical removal of the plants.

Control Fleabane - Treatment

Selective herbicides can be used but only with the assistance of a spreading agent, such as Searles Spredmax, to help the herbicide come in full contact with the foliage through the fine hairs that cover the foliage and stems.

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