Searles Cymbidium and Bromeliad Specialty Mix



Potting Mix

Product Type

Potting Mixes

Garden Planting

Soil For Garden Planting

Well drained specialty mix, designed to achieve beautiful healthy Cymbidiums & Bromeliads

9 months feeding
Flower booster
For pots & gardens

Searles Cymbidium & Bromeliad Specialty Mix is professionally blended to suit the requirements of cymbidiums, bromeliads, vireyas, anthuriums and carnivorous plants. It is a blend of high grade, organic based, ingredients selected to promote optimal growth and beautiful flowers.

This specialty mix is designed with the ideal texture and air space for growing prize-winning orchids.

Simply use Searles Cymbidium & Bromeliad Specialty Mix straight from the bag as is – no additives required.


- Certified AS 3743 for orchid mix.

- Contains Penetraide® Re-Wetting Granules for optimal moisture management.

- Contains complete fertiliser and Trace Elements, enhancing growth & flowering.

- Well drained mix designed to achieve beautiful cymbidiums, bromeliads, vireyas, anthuriums and carnivorous plants.

- Recommended by champion orchid growers.

- Available sizes: 10 litres and 30 litres.