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Spring rose care


July 28, 2022


Searles Gardening Team

Essential rose care for spring.

Roses need regular fertilising to keep producing their glorious flowers during spring. A fertiliser recommended and endorsed by the Qld Rose Society is Searles Flourish Soluble Plant Food. Searles Flourish provides plants with fast-acting nutrients for better growth and flowering. Apply at planting time and continue every 2-3 weeks, especially prior to flowering.

Another fertiliser to use, which promotes strong, healthy growth and helps protect roses from fungal diseases and temperature extremes is SeaMax Organic Fertiliser. SeaMax is fully organic, also endorsed by the Qld Rose Society, may be applied to the leaves and/or soil. Try alternating between the two fertilisers every 2-3 weeks for best results.

After each flush of flowering, be sure to prune back the finished flowers, as this helps promote more flowers and keep the bush compact. Prune bush hard in late winter for a spring burst of new blooms.

When new growth starts appearing in spring, keep an eye out for aphids as they love new growth and are likely to make an appearance along the stems and new buds. If your roses fall victim to insect troubles from aphids, thrips, mites and whitefly, then apply Searles Rose Pro or Searles Bug Beater, as directed to help combat and clear any problems quickly.

SeaMax Organic Fertiliser is effective in combating pests & diseases, by building up the beneficial microbial activity in the soil to compete with fungal disease spores.

In times of humid and hot weather, fungal diseases like black spot and powdery mildew can proliferate quickly and cause leaf drop and stem dieback. Searles Rose Pro will also control black spot and powdery mildew and is a great trigger spray to have at the ready when troubles first appear.